Ayat Square on the way to Tafo
Ayat Square on the way to Tafo
+251 116 631 260

About us

Established in 2005 G.C (1997 E.C)

Discover our History


1.1 Company Profile
TNT Construction and Trading is a construction and general trading firm established in accordance with the commercial code of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) in year 2005 (1997 E.C). The company is owned and managed by Ato Tesfaye Tilahun. Currently its office is located in Lemi Kura sub city Woreda 13. The company is established with the purpose of providing various construction services, import and export and other general trading activities and in so doing contributing specifically to the development of the construction industry in the country and generally to the economic growth of the country. The firm is currently registered as a General Contractor Grade-I meeting all the criteria set by government laws. The firm is also registered for V.A.T by Federal Inland Revenue Authority.

The company employs professional and well experienced engineers, technicians, administrators, and others. Since its inception, the primary motto of the company has been to complete its projects on time, deliver quality products and services, and complete projects within budget. The Companyis fully equipped with modern machinery and equipments in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Works and Urban Development Authority.
Rendering services of high quality, timeliness and cost effective management schemes are always our prime and principal concern. We believe that these attributes are very important to our clients and we assure you that you will be greatly satisfied with our work. We are proud that our clients keep coming again to do business with us.

The company employs professional and well experienced engineers, technicians, administrators, and others. Since its inception, the primary motto of the company has been to complete its projects on time, deliver quality products and services, and complete projects within budget. The Company is fully equipped with modern machinery and equipment’s in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Works and Urban Development Authority.
Rendering services of high quality, timeliness and cost effective management schemes are always our prime and principal concern. We believe that these attributes are very important to our clients and we assure you that you will be greatly satisfied with our work. We are proud that our clients keep coming again to do business with us.

The satisfaction of clients is most important to the company. A team of skilled mangers is always available to serve our clients.Maintaining a high level professionalism and demonstrated ethical standard are the cornerstones of our operational framework. To this end, we continuously invest in the professional advancement of its staff.
The company always strives to stay a step ahead of its competitors by way of rendering quality products and services and by investing in the development of its staff. In addition to our dedication, we continuously work to identify and espouse new technologies for the betterment and enhancement of services and products we deliver for the satisfaction of our clients.

The main goals of TNT Construction and Trading encompass the following:
 Maintain its decisive position in the domestic market and increase its involvement in foreign market as well.
 Contribute to the growth of the construction industry in Ethiopia by espousing superior and safe construction industry standards as part of its operational framework.
 Maintain a maximum level of customer satisfaction.
 Thrive to insure the professional development of its staffs.
 Keep providing high quality service to satisfy our business partners.
TNT Construction and Trading key target customers are:-
 The Government
 NGOs
 Private Firms
 Individual Investors

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Company Moto

Striving for Building the Future!

Our Values

  • Values

The seven (7) values of TNT CONSTRUCTION & TRADING are:-

    1. Trustworthy Operations: Winning trust of our esteemed customers
    2. Customer Satisfaction: Making ‘Customer Satisfaction’ one of our key success indicators
    3. Ethical operations: Maintaining business operations which are in compliance with the principles of business ethics
    4. Employee development: Establishing and maintaining an environment and situation in which employees can grow in their career and economy.
    5. Efficiency: Optimizing our work processes in such a way to reduce unnecessary wastage of resources and to increase output.
    6. Team work: Believing and acting on the reality that our firm is a society which can not realize its purposes without team cooperation and a unity of purpose.
    7. Environment Consciousness: Ensuring that the company’s business processes, inputs and outputs are environment friendly.

Our Principles

  • Principles
  1.  Leadership Commitment
  2.  Customer Satisfaction
  3.  Responsibility & Accountability
  4.  Mutually Beneficial Business Relationship(Partnership)
  5. Continual Growth & Development
  6. Contribution & Achievement
  • Vision
  • Become one of the best construction company in East Africa by 2028.

The stated vision is to be realized with due consideration that resource utilization be optimized and contribution be made to national and global economic development.

  • Mission

In order to realize its vision, TNT Construction and Trading has set the following missions:-

  1. Fulfill customer requirements
  2. Staff, develop and maintain professionals who possess the following qualities:


  • Qualified
  • Competent
  • Skilled
  • Knowledgeable
  • Visionary
  • Creative
  • Dynamic
  • Working with team sprit
  • Flexible
  • Intelligent
  1. Apply State-of-the-Art construction machineries and technology
  2. Maintain appropriate working facilities, necessary materials and adequate fund
  3. Establish, implement and maintain formal Quality Management System according to international standard
  4. Increase efficiency at all levels of operation
  5. Raise overall company performance
  6. Undertake environment friendly construction activities
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